Tag Archives: Beach Blanket Bingo

Snowy’s Surfing Safari

Is Snowy contemplating the Infinite & Mysterious Ocean or Planning her Next Game of Beach Blanket Bingo?

Donna says Snow is a Deep Thinker and I agree - Is Snowy contemplating the Infinite & Mysterious Ocean or Planning her Next Game of Beach Blanket Bingo?

Baylee Garfield invited Snow to her beautiful home in Hilton Head, SC for an Indian Summer Surfin Safari. It was a girls farewell to summer weekend for both Pit Girls and real girls from Hotlanta and Nash Vegas so we packed our respective bikinis and hit the road.  Being as it was Snow’s first visit to the beach [as far as anyone knows] we were curious to see how she would respond to the Ocean. True to form, she sussed up the situation for a nano second and then bravely swam straight into the breaking waves.  Snowy has taught Julie a lot this year about taking those waves head on, diving through, and surfacing on the other side and into turquoise water.

We got in some beautiful sun rise beach walks where the sky turned peach and lavender before our eyes, ate a lot of yummy delicious food, and of course did what girls do when left to their own devices and a bottle of wine.  Just when we thought the story telling was getting really juicy  (i.e. impromptu dates in the Costa Rican jungle that involve pink stilettos) we looked over @ the couch – I guess one woman’s scintillation is another’s sleep aid ;-).  Two Pits in a pod…

When you get to believing your own press have a look see @ your dog for a reality check

When you get to believing your own press have a look see @ your dog for a reality check


Filed under Snow's Journey - Pinups for Pit Bulls, Record Studio Appearances and More!